
Ovulation Signs That Help You Know Your Most Fertile Time To Get Pregnant

  • PublishedApril 24, 2019

Ovulation… a word that draws emotion and to some extent, confusion. Sometimes it is hard to know just when you are ovulating. What symptoms should you be on the look out for?

Well for starters, ovulation is the process when an egg is released from the ovary every month. Experts agree that it’s  best to have sex prior to ovulation as the sperm will be ‘anxiously’ waiting in the fallopian tubes to fertilise the egg. A woman is fertile for a period of six days, the five days leading up to ovulation  and the day of ovulation.

Ovulation symptoms aren’t difficult to notice. Once you know what to look for, you’ll be surprised how easy it can be.

Below are the most common symptoms that can help you know when you are ovulating.

Change in cervical fluid

Ovulation takes place when a woman usually has the most amount of wet fluid which resembles egg whites. It is worth noting that each woman is different and not all fluid looks the same.

Change in basal body temperature

Basal body temperature is a person’s lowest body temperature at rest (especially during sleep). For most women, the basal temperature declines as you get closer to ovulation and increases sharply after ovulation. Keeping track of these changes for a few months can help you predict when you are ovulating.

Secondary ovulation symptoms

These symptoms are not consistent in all periods and also vary between women.

Light spotting
Breast tenderness
Abdominal bloating
increased sex drive
heightened sense of smell, taste or vision
slight cramping

Learning to track your ovulation phase correctly will take months but once you know the signs, you will be able to plan for pregnancy with more accuracy.

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