
PHOTOS: Selfless Journalist earns praise & cash for saving boy

  • PublishedSeptember 21, 2017

KBC anchor VICTOR MUYAKANE  emerged the hero after a swarm of bees attacked spectators at the Supreme Court grounds on Thursday.  Muyakane selflessly put his safety at the back burner as he swiftly carried a boy from a wheelchair after the bees attacked him as well.

Photographs and clips of Victor saving the boy have gone viral on social media as Kenyans celebrated his heroic act. The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) CEO Ezekiel Mutua has even offered a Ksh 10,000 reward for his heroic action.

“This man Victor Muyakane, a reporter with KBC, risked his life to save a disabled guy from the swam of bees at SCOK yesterday. He is a hero and his acts of kindness and bravery represent the best of human virtues. I celebrate him. I personally donate ten thousand shillings to him as a token of appreciation for this spontaneous show of love to humanity. Whoever knows him kindly inbox me his number. I want to call him personally to celebrate him!” wrote Ezekiel Mutua.

Victor did end up being hospitalised with bee stings at MP Shah Hospital but was discharged after treatment.

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