

  • PublishedAugust 2, 2017

Would you rather have a crying, cranky baby than unbutton your top to breastfeed? Well, there’s an easier way to satisfy your baby while maintaining your dignity. Here are our top tips.

Dress for nursing success 

Wear dresses that can open at the front so that you only have to unbutton a button or two, as opposed to closed-neck type of dresses where you may have difficulty unleashing or end up unleashing your entire breast.

Cover yourself

Put a light blanket or a shawl over your shoulders so that it drapes over your baby’s head. If you are comfortable wearing a sling, let the baby nurse from there and the excess material can be used to cover yourself up.


For confidence purposes, have your baby latch on your breast before leaving the house. That way you will see how much exposure you are getting. You could even ask your partner to observe you. If you are not comfortable with a full front view, you can turn to the side until you find what angle works best.

Note the best places to nurse

While any place anytime always works, in the event you’re on the move, take note of places where you can get both comfy and privacy at the same time for instance a restaurant, a park or even a church. Hopefully over time, you’ll get more comfortable and confident to breastfeed n public as your baby demands.

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