SEXUALLY IN-TUNE Closing Arousal Gap
Perhaps you have heard it – women lamenting that they don’t enjoy sex as men do? Many women wish they could come ‘like a man’ – a few quick thrusts and you reach a guaranteed orgasm. According to experts, women already come like men, only that they don’t realise it. Male and female orgasms are identical – they both involve between five to eight quick muscle contractions, and there is the same genital influx of hormonal chemicals and blood. The male orgasm leads to ejaculation while the female doesn’t, but there is a similar sensation of release.
These similarities are not usually recognised in everyday sexual experiences and couples often don’t discuss sex openly to find out each other’s feelings. It is often the couple’s desire to make sex enjoyable all the time, or most of the time, but this is usually not the case. You can make your relationship sexually fulfilling by understanding and appreciating different stages of arousal and orgasm in men and women, and working towards closing or narrowing the gap so you can both be sexually in-tune. During sex, the average woman needs seven to eight minutes of direct clitoral stimulation to get an orgasm,while men take a mere… want to read the whole article? Click here to subscribe