
Shop like a pro this Black Friday

  • PublishedNovember 22, 2018

The Black Friday bug is catching on in Kenya. Online and physical stores are throwing massive deals and discounts all around. That sexy lingerie you’ve been eyeing all year round is now 50% off. You can also get two chunky pairs of heels for the price of one and do not even get us started on the throw away deals on electronics and smart phones. They just keep getting better and wilder.

With all these sales and discounts it can get a tad bit overwhelming to know what to buy and what to leave out. You just want everything but your bank account tells you otherwise. Here are our nifty tips to make sure you nab the hottest bargains without breaking your bank account this Black Friday.

Wishes come true

Wishes come true, especially during Black Friday. If you are shopping online or from an app, it will save you loads of time and energy to create a wish list in advance. When the sales start, quickly go through your list checking which items have the best deals and proceed to ‘checkout’ these items. There you have it, you have beaten your shopping rivals to the bargain! Wish lists also help curb the impulse buying which we are all prone of during sales.

Set a budget

Your bulletproof battle strategy for this Black Friday is to have a budget and stick to it as though your  life depends on it. Set aside some money that you plan to specifically spend during this period and ensure you are loyal to it. Not a cent more. You can also get a debit card wholly dedicated to your shopping needs. This not only helps you shop within your means but minimizes the risk of you losing all your money in case of cyber fraud.

Secure yourself

This is the period in which fake mobile apps and websites will be created all in a bit to bait you to enter your personal data and credit card details. Be wary of such scams and only download apps from trusted websites and companies. Do not click on every email link which sends you hot offers out of the blue. Such emails may be from cyber fraudsters keen on phishing your sensitive information and should be deleted or ignored completely.

Be futuristic

Having a baby shower coming up next year? Is your best friend getting married soon? Why don’t you take advantage of the Black Friday discounts and shop early.

Not everything is really a deal

A great tip is to always compare the discounted price against the original and be the judge as to whether the deal is worth pursuing. It is also of importance to ask yourself if you can afford the discounted deal. Just because an item is on sale does not necessarily mean it is within your budget. Be smart, do not fall for all the hype of deals and discounts.

Now that you are armed with the right gear for this shopping battle, go out and chase those deals!

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