
Supreme Court judge Smokin Wanjala dismisses bribery claims raised against him.

  • PublishedMarch 28, 2019

Supreme Court judge Smokin Wanjala has dismissed all bribery claims raised against him in a petition filed  before the Judicial Service Commission.

In his response to gross misconduct and bribery allegations filed  by Jared Ongeri, Justice Wanjala said he was eager to have the allegations investigated to clear so his name.

Wanjala termed Ongeri’s petition as a “pre-mature and a cruel assault against the character, integrity and standing of the apex court in the land.”

Through Senior Counsel Fred Ojiambo, the judge denied all the claims raised against him but said he will cooperate with organs investigating the case to ensure a speedy and effective process.

The Justice also demanded the identities of the people he was allegedly in constant communication with be revealed and  if there were any physical meetings, he asked the petitioner to specify through recordings, transcripts, CCTV footage or other scientific evidence.

He also wants the complainant to give the names of the banks, branches and accounts from where the supposed Sh75 million was withdrawn and where it was sourced and called on Mr. Ongeri to provide evidence that the alleged bribery was intended to influence the outcome of the Wajir governor case that was before the top court at the time.

He added that the Judicial Service Commission’s (JSC) decisions on the matter would be null and void as its assessment would be limited.

“Any purported investigations by the JSC would put it in a situation where it must step into the shoes of the petitioner by looking for evidence to sanitize an irredeemably limping and deficient petition,” read court papers.


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