
Swaziland King Mswati's Eighth Wife, Senteni Masango Commits Suicide

  • PublishedApril 8, 2018

Senteni Masango, the eighth wife of King Mswati III of Swaziland committed suicide on Friday following what is reported to be a drug overdose.

The queen’s lifeless body was found  in the early hours of Friday morning, media outlets in the South African nation reported.

Mpumalanga, a Swaziland news outlet said that Masango will be laid to rest in line with the Royal Swazi rites at the Ludzidzini Royal Kraal on Sunday.

Mswati’s wife is said to have taken an overdose of about 40 amytriptyline capsules, her death coming barely a week after the burial of her sister Nombuso Masango.

Amitriptyline is a drug that is usually administered on mental patients including major depressive disorder and lack of attention disorder.

Rumor has it that the King blocked her from attending her late sister’s requiem mass and funeral. It is also reported that she lived alone in a big mansion with no single visit from the King for about three years.

She married King Mswati in 2000 aged 18 after dropping out of high school. She leaves behind 2 children.

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