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Teas Guaranteed to Grow your Hair

Teas Guaranteed to Grow your Hair
  • PublishedDecember 14, 2024

Yes, you read that right: tea will grow your hair. As usual, some teas are consumed orally while some are used as a hair rinse or leave-in treatment.

The teas are prepared in the same way: Place the tea powder or leaves in a pot. Add water and bring the tea to a boil. Let it sit until warm and use as desired.

Now, let’s dive into the tea:

Teas that block DHT

DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen responsible for the growth of body hair. An increase in DHT results in loss of hair. This happens because an increase in DHT shrinks your hair follicles and shortens the hair growth cycle thus resulting in hair loss. Although DHT is common in men, it affects women too. Herbs such as green tea, horsetail, and stinging nettle have been proven to inhibit DHT production.

How do these teas work? Green tea contains catechins, a normal antioxidant that reduces the amount of DHT in our systems. Horsetail works as it contains phytosterols that can stop DHT formation. Stinging Nettle prevents the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

My preferred way to add these teas to my hair is by spraying them on my hair before my deep condition mask. As these teas can dry up your hair strands, it is important that you follow them up with a moisturising cream or lotion.

Blood circulation

Proper blood circulation ensures that your scalp receives the oxygen and nutrients required. You can increase blood circulation to the scalp by massaging your head. Herbs such as rosemary, lavender, clove, peppermint, and eucalyptus increase blood flow to the scalp thus helping hair regrow. Rosemary is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and increases blood flow to the scalp.

Did we all fall in love with the rosemary and clove tea the TikTok girls recommend? After having braids last year, my edges were gone. To salvage what I could, I regularly made clove tea. Although I was not consistent, I did notice tremendous growth.


There are 3 ways stress could lead to hair loss: Alopecia areata, where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles; due to too much stress the body puts some hair follicles into resting mode. After a while, the hair strands fall out; and finally, you pull them out yourself. Trichotillomania is an irresistible urge to pluck one’s hair due to stress, frustration, anger, or tension. Teas such as chamomile, mint, peppermint, and lavender are soothing. Take these teas orally.

Stay sipping, but remember that it takes more than a cup of tea to keep your hair growing.


Written By
Njamiu Gladys

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