To donate or not to donate? Yet another Paybill for hunger stricken Kenyans
The Kenya Red Cross has launched an appeal to help over 1.1 million Kenyans afflicted by hunger in 17 counties.
According to Red Cross Secretary General, Abbas Gullet, the agency needs about Sh824, 554,720 to assist Kenyans in areas such as: Wajir, Tana River, West Pokot, Tharaka Nithi, Samburu, Nyeri, Marsabit, Laikipia, Mandera, Lamu, Kitui, Kilifi, Isiolo, Garissa, Embu, Baringo, and Turkana.
The agency called out the public to come to the aide of their fellow Kenyans afflicted by hunger.
Kenyans however seem not to share with the agency’s sentiments this time round.Through the hash-tag #RedCrossTumechoka, Kenyans came out in their droves to express their frustrations regarding the government’s failure to deal with the drought. Kenyans also demanded to be given an account of how money previously contributed for various causes was used by the agency.
Here are several responses from Kenyans:
Mr @Abbas_Gullet @KenyaRedCross, What KENYANS are asking is accountability. All the monies we have been sending you should be accounted for and published publicly. Our government is able to take care of the situation. KENYANS are already oppressed with taxes #RedCrossTumechoka
— Lord Abraham Mutai (@ItsMutai) March 22, 2019
Government. Choose one, either we donate or we pay tax. What the meaning of Government? They drive V8 and they can’t help poor people. They still want the same poor Kenyans to help poor people. #kenyansforkenya #RedCrossTumechoka
(@Africa_Queen254) March 22, 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen, Look at the great Turnout in the Kenyan Parliament when Honorable members convene to discuss the drought situation in the country
Great job @HonAdenDuale @kipmurkomen @MbadiHon @orengo_james
Kenyans adore your commitment#RedCrossTumechoka#TurkanaDrought
— Abukuse Mike (@Abukuse_Mike) March 22, 2019
You can’t keep popping up pay bills and accounts like popcorns whenever there’s a disaster, yet you’ve failed to account for previous contributions. #KenyansForKenya is a scam meant to feed on the sympathy of Kenyans. But do you know what, we’re not stupid. #RedCrossTumechoka
— Victor Mochere (@VictorMochere) March 22, 2019
Its like Redcross cannot think beyond funddrive,they dont talk about about corruption but they’l always show up with ‘Kenyans for Kenyans’ nonsense.
Yet they give out less than 20% of donations and keep the rest for ‘administrative’ purpose. #RedCrossTumechoka #LetitbeKnown
— Kamba Pundit (@kamwash254) March 21, 2019
Dear Abbas Gullet & Red Cross,
Kenyans are surviving on Chinese loan at the moment, it’s extremely ridiculous to launch a PayBill seeking funds.
‘Kenyans for Kenya’ is suspect; you can sell Boma Hotel & feed the whole of Africa, after all it’s yours.#RedCrossTumechoka
— Cyprian Nyakundi Escobar (@CisNyakundi) March 21, 2019
#RedCrossTumechoka We can’t be paying leaders to build multibillion homes and beach condos in the name of formulating policies that would help the helpless… Most of us are dead at heart. Living in this country is so painful… I am not boarding too…
— Shikuku Francis (@_Shikuku_) March 22, 2019