
Uhuru mourns news anchor Kanze Dena’s father

  • PublishedMarch 11, 2018

President Uhuru Kenyatta has mourned Citizen TV anchor Kanze Dena’s father Harry Stephens Kitao who passed away on Sunday.

He mourned him as a community mobilizer who played a key in role supporting the education of children from disadvantaged families.

The late Kitao is brother-in-law of Taveta MP Naomi Shaban.

In a condolence message, Uhuru said Kitao will be remembered for his focus and zeal to improve his community and the nation.

“It is with grief and a deep sense of loss that I learnt of the death of Mr Stephens. I convey my deep sympathies and heartfelt condolences to his family, relatives and friends.”

Kitao was at the forefront in community initiatives that ensured the education of children in Kibra (Nairobi), Kisauni (Mombasa), and Taveta (Taita Taveta county) was smooth.

“At this moment of sorrow and grief, my thoughts and prayers are with the family, relatives and friends of Mr Stephens. It is my prayer that the Almighty God will give you all the strength to bear the loss.”

Uhuru said Kitao will remain a great legacy to his family, community and the nation which he served with commitment and dedication.


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