Ultimate life hacks to have a well scented home

There is nothing satisfying than when your house is clean and smelling good. The scent makes your home feel heavenly, clean and improves your mood. Here are hacks that will make you always look forward to coming home or invite company:
Using scented candles
Lighting scented candles and positioning them in your house is the easiest way to make your rooms smell how you want. You can have different scented candles in various rooms depending on your preference.

Essential Oils
With a drop of your favorite essential oil, this will do justice for your house. In case you have an essential oil diffuser or dab a drop of the oil on your pillows, the best.

Fabric Softener
Fabric softener is not only used as a conditioner for your laundry but also it’s good for your stuffy rooms. Add water to the conditioner and spray around to deodorize your house.
Vanilla Extract
With a few coins, you can get a vanilla extract from your nearby store and bake it in an oven. You can also mix the vanilla extract to your paint and have the walls painted. The room will always smell of vanilla and you will thank me later.
Cinnamon sticks
Try boiling cinnamon stick in water for some minutes then leave the mixture in any room that stinks and your house will smell of a bakery.

Car deodorant
Hang a car deodorant to your house window and let the wind blow the scent into your whole house. Your house will smell fresh than never.
Baking soda
Baking soda is known mainly for baking and for cleaning. It has also proven to be helpful in getting rid of odor out of carpets and mats. You can first mixing baking soda and your preference of essential oil. Sprinkle the mixture on the carpet then vacuum.
In a nutshell…
Bad smells can be quite off putting especially when you have guests. Luckily, with just one or a combination of the tips in this article, you can have your home smelling like heaven.