
What next after a miscarriage?

What next after a miscarriage?
  • PublishedMarch 8, 2021

A miscarriage is a sensitive topic to parents out there who have gone through the turmoil. Inasmuch as it hurts to lose a child, people have to comprehend that miscarriages happen for a variety of medical reasons, many of which are not within a person’s control.

Unfortunately, the miscarriage process cannot be reversed once it has started. However, there are things that need to be done and considered after it occurs and they are as follows;

What to do after a miscarriage

Ensure the womb is clean. Treatment involves a surgical procedure known as dilatation or curettage. It removes any pregnancy tissues from your uterus to prevent certain types of complications.

Here’s what happens when you don’t burp your baby after feeding
When you skip burping, your baby’s stomach is filled with air (gets bloated) which causes discomfort. This can lead to colic, which is a condition that causes babies to cry for up to three hours a day.

What to expect

Bleeding like you are having menstrual period for a few days.  Note that the normal cycle should return after 6 weeks.

Anger will become your constant companion. One ends up feeling ashamed, guilty and remorseful when clearly it was not your fault that it happened.

Being in a state of denial. This can make one to feel distressed but staying in this state for long can interfere with your treatment.

Depression and a sense of despair may prevail after a miscarriage.

Embracing your postpartum body
You are highly likely to experience changes in your body after childbirth. Some of the postpartum changes are permanent while others take a short period of time to disappear. Here are postpartum changes to look out for after delivery.

Do’s to put into consideration

Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water.

Do light exercise like going for a walk, doing butterfly wing  and pelvic tilting exercises.

Get enough sleep and a lot of rest especially for the first 24-48 hours.

Adopt a healthy diet. Ensure your nutrition is on point and that will only reflect if you take in a balanced diet.

Dealing with pregnancy loss and infant death
Dealing with pregnancy loss and the death of an infant is a cruel journey thatno parent is ever prepared for or wishes to go through. Unfortunately, this is atragedy that happens every other day robbing parents of their dream to nurtureand care for their children. Whether you lose your baby as a …

Take medication as prescribed by the gynecologist.

Monitor your temperature levels from time to time.

Avoid sex for a couple of weeks.

Go for regular checkups.

Understanding placenta previa in pregnant women
Placenta previa refers to a condition where the opening of the cervix is covered by the placenta, partially or totally. It is usually accompanied by painless bleeding which begins in the second half of pregnancy.

Taking care

No insertion of anything in the vagina; things such as tampons or engaging in sex.

Do not try to conceive until you have completed at least one menstrual cycle and it should come at least a month after the miscarriage.

Take prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplements everyday or as prescribed by the doctor.

Keep your weight consistent as much as possible.

7 unexpected pregnancy side effects
If you are wondering why your mummy pouch doesn’t seem to go away even after intense exercises, Diastasis recti could be the reason.

When to see a doctor

When you notice heavy vaginal bleeding. The after bleeding should not last more than three weeks.

Having an endless fever. If not attended to, it may lead to infertility.

Persistent abdominal pain that comes in form of cramps.

Foul smell/discharge persisting after the miscarriage.

Transitioning from one child to two
The first few weeks after delivering your second child are a roller coaster of emotions. Here are some tips to ensure you have a smooth transition.

Take home

The wound will definitely leave a scar and the gap left will forever be felt but that does not mean you will not get through it all and have another child. Ensure to accept and be open to a positive tomorrow.

Feature photo: pexels

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