
Where is Billian Okoth?

  • PublishedFebruary 12, 2019

Kenyans took to social media early Tuesday morning to inquire the whereabouts of Billian Okoth Ojiwa, a vocal community leader in Mathare.

The youth in his 30s is said to have gone missing on Sunday at around noon. His wife Nerima Ojiwa has revealed she had filed a report at Kilimani Police Station on Monday and was told to return on Tuesday morning.

“He’s been missing since Sunday at noon; so, it’s been more than 24 hours without any contact whatsoever,” she said, noting that she will be more comfortable to share more details around the disappearance after talking with the officer handling the matter.

KANU party has appealed to members of the public to assemble at Kilimami Police Station from 9am so as to show solidarity to find Billian.

PUBLIC NOTICE: We appeal to members of the public to help trace Billian Okoth Ojiwa ( KYC Chairman). According to his wife @NerimaW, Billian has been missing since last evening and is out of reach on phone. Anyone with info to get in touch with Nerima or us. #FindBillianOjiwa pic.twitter.com/S57a3uh1TE

— The KANU Party (@KANUParty_ke) February 11, 2019

Billian is a community mobiliser who has established initiatives such as the Ficha Uchi Initiative which provides school uniforms for needy children especially in Mathare. Billian also helps children talented in music to record and sell their music through his foundation – Billian Music Family. His interest in leadership and politics have manifested through his vying for the Member of Parliament seat – Mathare constituency in the 2013 general elections. Billian is also an alumnus of Austria and Mandela Washington (YALI) leadership programs.

Billian’s disappearance comes barely week after Dandora activist Carol Mwatha disappeared. Ms. Mwatha is a founder member and a human rights activist at Dandora Community Social Justice Centre. The center seeks accountability among police officers and is against extrajudicial killings.

Amnesty International is among those who have appealed for the investigation of Ms. Mwatha’s disappearance by the police. Nairobi County governor, Mike Sonko, has promised to give a reward of Ksh300, 000 to anyone who has information on the whereabouts of the activist.

Below is a sample of tweets from Kenyans concerned on his safety.

Please share! #FindBillianOjiwa https://t.co/HwuBm7pu1H

— Adelle Onyango (@ADELLEO) February 12, 2019

Two people disappearing in the span of 1 week is not a coincidence! Especially when the two are community change makers. Something is definitely wrong! I hope that #CarolineMwatha & @BillianOjiwa are safe wherever they are. #FindCarolineMwatha #FindBillianOjiwa pic.twitter.com/uU6a96u5C1

— #WuodMosenda™ (@robi_chacha) February 12, 2019

I woke up to the News that my Friend @BillianOjiwa is missing! Please good people Help us #FindBillianOjiwa. Anyone with info on his where abouts please contact @NerimaW . pic.twitter.com/Sa1uCUCoEr

— Shikoh Kihika (@Shikohkihika) February 12, 2019

What’s happening to this country? Why are young people disappearing? I know @BillianOjiwa to be the most harmless person l have ever met. It’s shock on me to wake up to news that he’s missing? #FindBillianOjiwa pic.twitter.com/OO1KoXWGBN

— Janet Machuka (@janetmachuka_) February 12, 2019

#FindBillianOjiwa @UhaiWetu @kiriromuraya @Naomi2908 @NerimaW @KanuYouth @omondijacob511 @jeepmasko @Mendy_Mkenya We are surprised by another news of the missing leader @BillianOjiwa Kindly come back to us soon. Why are the slums targeted pliz don’t forget #FindCarolineMwatha pic.twitter.com/NvuRMGi5Ps

— Ghetto Foundation (@FoundationGf) February 12, 2019

#AfricansRising #FindBillianOjiwa #MissingActivist #MissingVoices

KANU Youth Congress chairman & #Activist has been reported missing! Reports indicate he is unreachable since 8.2.2019! Kindly share widely for awareness & action by #Kenyan authorities! @DCI_Kenya @NPSOfficial_KE pic.twitter.com/p1XACUNOj0

— Africans Rising (@AfricansRising) February 12, 2019

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