
Woman Fired for Being Pregnant Seeks Compensation

  • PublishedAugust 9, 2018

According to the Standard, A former sales manager at an events company, is demanding Sh12 million compensation, Linda Olaka claims she was sacked for being pregnant.

 “I believe the company discriminately chose to terminate my employment on account of my pregnancy. The timing was so suspect, coming just a few months before my due delivery date,” she says.

Waridi Events Company, where she was working, however claims she was fired over poor performance in the sales department.

Olaka’s lawyer sought an explanation from the company and was told that her termination was sue to her position being declared redundant.

She says that the company tried to pay her redundancy fees so as to cover the sacking based on discrimination on her pregnancy.

Olanda argues that the intention of the company was to avoid paying her for the months she would have been on maternity leave.

She is accusing the company of violating labour laws, which prohibits the firing of expectant women.

Olaka is now seeking justice from the courts. She wants the court to rule that her sacking was based on discrimination on account of pregnancy.

She wants to be compensated 12 Million for the sacking, 12 months compensation for missed salary equalling Sh1.6 million

In addition, Olaka wants Sh414 000 for her sacking without a three months notice.

Olaka, who was issued with a terminating letter says that the company changed means of reviewing performance.

“On employment, I was told my performance would be rated based on overall performance. However, they later changed the basis to financial performance so as to get rid of me,” she says.

Her lawyer Martin Irera says that it wasn’t right to fire Olaka without three months prior notice.

SOURCE: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001291073/woman-seeks-sh12-million-compensation-for-wrongful-dismissal

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