
10-year-old sodomised boy loses scrotum

  • PublishedJune 7, 2018

A woman in Nairobi is seeking justice for her son after he was defiled by his father in January 2018. The Standard Four pupil has been in and out of the hospital with each visit worse than the previous.

According to the mother, on the day of the incident, the boy had been sent home from school because he didn’t have exercise books. His mother opted to go to look for casual jobs.

Tired of staying at home, the boy decided to visit his father, who had separated with his mother.

The mother says on coming back home, she found him lying helpless on the floor in a pool of smelly fluid. She took him to the nearest pharmacy only to realise he’d been sodomized.

Four months after the incident, the boy’s private parts began to swell. Upon medical examination, doctors recommended an urgent surgery to remove one of his scrota. They added there’s a high likelihood of having the remaining scrotum removed.

The mother says the boy has never gone back to school as he is still oozing smelly fluid from his behind. Somedays, he is forced to use a diaper.

According to an article ran by The Standard, the boy disclosed that his father gagged him before sodomizing him. After the act, the father bought him french fries, six exercise books and gave him Kshs 100 to take home.

The father, however, has denied the sodomy charges claiming that his shaky relationship with his wife was the reason he was being accused.



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