
2019 Census : Kenya's least and most populous counties

  • PublishedNovember 4, 2019

Source, Urbwise

Kenya’s population stands at 47,564,296 million as at August 2019. This is according to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

There are 23,548,056 male, 24, 014,756 female and 1524 intersex .Nairobi County has the highest population with 4.3 million people, followed by Kiambu and Nakuru Counties at 2.4 million and 2.1 million people respectively.

Kakamega County has 1.87 million  people and Bungoma 1.67 million, closing the list of the top 5 most populous counties.The least populous counties are Lamu, Isiolo, Samburu, Tana River and Taita Taveta.

Read also: Census intrigues: Enumerator urinates in family’s living room in Murang’a

According to the report, ladies make up 50.5% of the total population while males stand at 49.5%. Females only exceed male by 466,660.

The average household size has declined from 4.2 in 2009 to 3.9 in 2019.

The population has generally grown by 9 million, with an increase from 37.7 million in 2009 to 47.6 million in 2019.

This was the first census to be conducted under the 2010 constitution and President Kenyatta has said that Kenya is the first country in Africa to release census results under 3 months.

Speaking at the hand-over of the 2019 census report at State House, Nairobi, President Uhuru Kenyatta praised the efforts of the officials and all enumerators for overseeing a smooth exercise.

He also said that he was proud of the fact that the mobile devices used in the exercise were assembled by the Kenyan universities.

The 2019 census exercise took place between August 24 and 31.

In case you missed it: Census 2019: Police stop wedding to facilitate census



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