
3 main types of car thieves

  • PublishedAugust 27, 2019

Car theft has become so common, that every owner has to be all the more careful about the safety of their cars. We compiled a list of things you can do to prevent your car from being stolen. As you apply these life and car saving routines in your daily life, it is also best to understand how car thieves operate.

Professional car thieves

They are highly skilled thieves with technical and mechanical know-how of the cars they steal. They mostly belong to car theft syndicates and their execution is organised.
They are more prone to using sophisticated devices, like jammers
They are often armed and dangerous.
Most of the cars they steal are supplied to dealers who dismantle them and sell the spare parts.
They also steal cars to meet the orders of both local and international buyers.
They are drawn to both high performance and easy-to-sell brands


They mostly steal high-performance cars.
Most high performance cars are often recovered, but not in one piece.


The bump-and-rob car theft technique involves the thieves bumping into your car from behind. When you step out to look at the extent of damage (and give them a piece of your mind) they strike and steal your car.

When you step out, often you leave the car running which makes it all the more easy to get away.

This is why you should not have a knee-jerk reaction to every bump, more so, if it happens at night and in an isolated place.

If you get bumped and feel threatened, drive off.

ALSO READ: How to prevent your car from getting stolen 

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