
4 Biggest Parenting Mistakes

4 Biggest Parenting Mistakes
  • PublishedOctober 13, 2020

Many parents worry about making mistakes while raising their children that may end up scarring them for life. And since children don’t come with an instruction manual, parents often find themselves second-guessing their actions. Second-guess no more as we explore the four most common mistakes many parents make and their repercussions.


Children often test the boundaries of patience and rules and when this is done repeatedly, parents often find themselves screaming and shouting themselves hoarse. There are parents who think that when they yell at their children, they are likely to get their attention. And they do but only for a short while as the child will learn to tune you out. Yelling at your child not only makes them insecure, but also makes them more  aggressive physically and verbally.

Too much television

Ah! We touched a raw nerve there and your are feeling guilty, right? If it helps, you are not  alone; many parents often rely on the television to act as an entertainer or babysitter for their children. A little TV is not detrimental but too much of it keeps your child from exercising, limits social interaction, stifles creativity and interferes with their bedtime. Paediatricians recommend that children below the age of two should not have television time as the baby can use that time to develop fundamental skills such as social interactions and motor skills.

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Being your child’s BFF

The sooner you realise that you are a parent first to your child before being a friend, the better for you and your child. There are times, and they will be many, that you will be required to put limitations and boundaries in what they can or can’t do. Be your child’s parent, and not their friend and they will thank you for it later. The solution to this is to make sure that there are limits and consequences for unacceptable behaviour.

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Setting a bad example

As a parent, understand that you are your child’s first role model so if your want them to turn out right, then it has to start with you setting a good example. If you are in the habit of giving your children long lectures over lateness but you yourself do not keep time, then your are setting yourself up for disappointment.

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