4 easy DIY projects you can do at home
There has never been a better time to get crafty around the house. You can now effectively pass time, instead of just watching TV, and the best part is you can also upgrade your living space at the same time with these easy DIY projects.
Making mats
What you need: Knitting skills, yarn/thick thread, crotchet needle
Mat-making is probably one of those things that you’ve always wanted to learn after seeing people making a living out of it. Once you get a hang of crocheting, this is something you can easily do. For starters, you can try your hand at place-mats which are smaller as you move on to bigger things such as a bedside mat. You can get inspiration online for different techniques and designs to match your taste and theme.
Herb planters
What you need: jars, herbs, soil
Have you ever fancied a kitchen garden? Well, you can start your own with just a few glass jars which can be bought or recycled from empty jars of jam. This is an easy DIY as it only involves filling up your jars with damp soil and planting your herbs. You can set up a selection of your favourite herbs such as cilantro or mint. Placed near the kitchen window, they are not only within reach but also add a nice aroma to the room.
DIY necklace holder
What you need: pieces of wood, nails, hammer, paint
You have most likely experienced the frustration one has when you are reaching for your favourite necklace only to find it tangled with the rest of your necklaces. This can be solved by simply creating your own necklace holder.
If you have a long wooden pole, say a broken mop holder, you can cut it up into small cylindrical pieces, paint them (spray paint or acrylic paint) and hammer them on the wall somewhere.
Hang in your bedroom or vanity corner, it makes for a pleasant-looking yet function piece of decor.
Charging station
What you need: Box, scissors, gift-wrapping paper
Lastly, if you are tired of the unsightly tangle of wires where the adapter is, you can spruce things up with a DIY charging station made out of a box. If you have a box lying around, you can turn it into a thing of marvel by simply cutting out a few holes for where the cable will pass through then wrap it up with wrapping paper. Ideally, a shoe box could do but if there’s none, a regular box would work just fine. Put your adapter inside, plug in the chargers and pull out the cables through the holes and Voila! You have a neat charging station.