5 tips to avoid getting hacked online

While people are increasingly becoming reliant on technology and storing their information online, the number of hackers who are trying to get a hold of sensitive information such as passwords and files is also increasing. The strategies used by hackers to breech your privacy and access your system keeps changing. For one, your computer being infected with a malicious virus can give a hacker the access to your computer and access to your accounts. Here are five strategies you can always use to stay safe online.
Be cautious while clicking links and attachments
While interacting on the internet, emails, links and attachments from foreign websites are what you should stay clear of. This is how most cyber attacks begin.
Phishing, is a method commonly used by hackers. It is a cyber attack that uses disguised emails as a weapon. The goal of phishing is to trick the recipient that the message of the email is what they really need or want.
Have strong passwords
This is one of the most important element for guaranteed online safety. Make sure you have an advanced password that a potential hacker cannot guess. To achieve this, you can try and consider the following:
Try combining both uppercase and lowercase characters
2. At least 8 characters- The more the characters the stronger the password
3. Mix both letters and numbers
4. Include at least one special character, example @, #
Use a Virtual Private Network
A VPN is an effective online safety strategy because it hides your identity online. It is a good defense to your private information from falling into the wrong hands. By using VPN, all your mesages are encrypted hence keeping you safe from prying eyes while using public Wi- Fi in places like coffee shops. However, it is important to note that VPN only protects your information and not annonymity. This is because your VPN provider can always see your internent activities.
Use add blockers
While these can be a little bit controversial, using one on websites wou do not need to see their adds may actually help you avoid the risk of getting hacked. Decieving pop- us and misleading messages frequently appear in forms of free videos that may not be watched on more trusted service.
Use a Two- Factor Authentication (2FA)
Over the years, websites have developed more ways to keep their users safe from online hackers. One such way is the 2FA or the multiple- factor authentication. This method entails adding one more step to authenticating your identity before using a site.
The first layer is usually a mixture of your username and passwords while the second is always what you like or a verrification permision from your phone.