
5 Ways to deal with bad neighbours

5 Ways to deal with bad neighbours
  • PublishedMay 19, 2020

Even the most beautiful home can become horrible if you live next to nasty neighbours. Nasty neighbours include the noise makers (Fighting spouses, chronic late-night party holders), the slobs who leave the environment dirty and the lawbreakers such as drug dealers. If you’ve found yourself in such a predicament, the steps below can help to deal with the nasty neighbours.

Photo: Daily Active

Talk it out

If you’ve had enough of something they do that disturbs you, just knock on their door and talk about it to them in a gentle manner. This is the most effective method for those who want quick solutions without burning bridges. Don’t do it in an accusatory manner, just point it out and suggest the proper way to do things. E.g. kindly tell them to stop hosting extremely loud parties every night and to do it elsewhere instead or reduce the noise pollution.

Ignore it

If the neighbour does many things that annoy you, you’re going to have to pick your battles. Address the problems that annoy you the most and ignore the ones you can live with. If you bring up every little thing that annoys you, they might think you just resent them and won’t make any effort to change the bigger things that actually annoy you.

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Lend a helping hand

If you’re annoyed about something they do, why not assist them in making the needed change. E.g. If your neighbour leaves their lawn unattended and it makes the whole neighbourhood environment look bad, just help them with whatever’s needed. Help them to mow the grass or collect the littered papers.

Establish boundaries

Some neighbours overstep their boundaries and can even come to your property without any permission. Build clear-cut boundaries such as fences, gates or put security if necessary.

Call the police

We don’t choose our neighbours and sometimes you can find yourself living next to a drug dealer or domestically violent parents. If you fear for your safety or that of the victim, just notify the police, child protection services or human rights groups that can help.


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