5 ways to show love to your pet puppy

World puppy Day is all about loving and cherishing your pet and most importantly having a fun time with them. It is a great day for all pet enthusiasts as it encourages and reminds them to adopt, donate and love their animals more every year. Here are some ways you can lavishly treat your pet puppy:
Have fun with your pet puppy
To lavishly treat your pet puppy, ensure you engage your canine friend in fun activities such as playing in the house, going swimming and walking and buying fun toys for them to avoid boredom when you are not around. Also, create space for them either to move around or play.
Socialize your pet puppy
Apart from offering professional training to your pet puppy, begin to socialize them and allow them to have new experiences like meeting new people and new species by visiting dog parks, or dog daycare.
Believe it or not, your puppy needs to socialize and make new friends and you can help them achieve this by exposing them to new environments as long as they are pet friendly.
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Feed your pet
The satisfaction that you have when you know that you are feeding yourself with essential nutrients also comes when you offer the same meals to your pet puppy. Health experts recommend high-quality food that contains basic nutrients like water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
Also do not starve your pet by giving smaller quantities of food than is enough.
Get a trainer for your puppy
Give that lavish treat to your puppy by having a professional trainer early in their lives. Trainers advise that training begins between 7 and 8 weeks and involves positive reinforcement and gentle commands.
You do not want your pet biting the neighbour’s children and barking at your visitors.
Health check-ups and treatment
Prioritize the veterinary budget so that your pet can have regular vet treats. Health experts advise that in their first month, puppies need vet checkups and de-worming doses before they get their vaccination dose later before they turn two months of age.
Data also shows that pets suffer from skin conditions, stomach conditions, and infections related to the eye and ear. Therefore, ensure that your pet is getting all the preventive care and treatment it may need.
In a nutshell…
Dogs have been described as friends to men and pet puppies are good for companionship. However, only get a puppy if you are confident that you can efficiently meet their needs. Otherwise, do not adopt a puppy just to mistreat them.