
6 things to avoid on your first day at a new job

6 things to avoid on your first day at a new job
  • PublishedAugust 3, 2021

It is always a good feeling when you apply for a job and later get it. The reality of first day jitters strikes even before the excitement of securing the job has died down. The first day of work in a new environment tends to be hard since whatever you do creates a lasting impression on your workmates and employer.

Here are things to avoid on your first day at a new workplace.

Forgetting peoples names

On your first day, you will be introduced to the general employees and other employers. When the introductions are being made pay attention to the names and their pronunciations. Most people do not like being asked their names numerous times.

image/Youth Village Kenya

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Showing up late

Punctuality helps create a positive impression of yourself.  Time management will be a factor for your employer to tell if you can manage yourself well and complete assignments given on time. When reporting for work always factor in possible delays such as traffic jams, which may cause you to run late.

Informal speech

Since it is your first day, try as much as possible to use formal language acceptable in the office. Most employers will have the acceptable language stipulated in the contract. Also, as you interact with workmates, you will know what language is acceptable.

Image/ process street


Do not promise what you can not deliver in a bid to impress your employer. Be honest from the word go to avoid misunderstandings in the future. If you are not able to do something, be honest about it.

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Being afraid to ask

Ask questions on everything that is not clear to you in the new job. Seek help whenever you find difficulties in handling tasks given as this is the best way to learn. Also asking questions makes it easier for you to familiarise yourself with the office culture.

image/EY Kenya

Improper dressing

The way you will dress for your first day will tell the type of person you are. Decent dressing will create a positive impression and help you avoid unnecessary first-day embarrassments. To be safe, always wear official clothes as you give yourself time to adapt to the new environment.


The small things that you will do on your first few days will create a lasting of yourself to your employer.  Respecting authority and knowing what you are supposed to do at  different times will help you survive in the new job.

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