
8 fun bonding activities for married couples

8 fun bonding activities for married couples
  • PublishedJuly 13, 2021

Marriage is a wonderful and life-changing experience that can be the best part of a person’s life. However, it is no secret that marriage also comes with its own set of challenges that differ in depth and intensity than that of a dating couple.  

After several years of marriage, it is almost inevitable that the couple will lose their spark and potentially find themselves bored and disconnected from one another. A huge factor as to why this happens is the lack of time and freedom to do all the things that used to be a frequent activity for the couple due to life, work, children, and other commitments.

The following are eight bonding activities to do with your partner that will allow your marriage to flourish whilst keeping the spark alive:

1.     Exercise

Exercise is a fun activity a couple can engage in regardless of the form of exercise you choose and gives you that much-needed endorphin kick. Aside from bonding, it keeps you both fit and healthy.

2.     Meditation

Meditation is one of those exercises which can also be beneficial to your relationship as well as bring peace, harmony, and balance to one’s life.Research shows that meditation for just 20 minutes a day over five days can reduce anxiety and levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran / Unsplash

3.     Mystery date night

Since date nights are a less frequent event in a marriage due to life and other commitments, when the opportunity arises to have a date night with your partner why not take advantage of it? Take turns planning adventurous and romantic dates for each other. After all, you know what your partner would like best. The idea of a surprise date coming along will bring a new element of excitement to the relationship.

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4.     Cooking

Cooking and eating together can be a fun, enjoyable and sensual activity to do with your partner. By spending that time together to cook a meal that you both enjoy makes it a great couple’s activity. This can be a great bonding activity as you cook with music and wine.

5.     Game night

There’s nothing better than reliving your childhood and playing a good old fashioned board game. Some playful competition can allow the couple to challenge and admire one another. This is an activity that can be kept between the couple or be a social event with friends or a family event with the children.

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6.     Dinner parties

With less time on your hands as a married couple sometimes the hardest thing to do is be able to leave the house during your free time. So why not host a dinner party? Invite other couples, friends or family and enjoy a meal together. This can be even more enjoyable if each party differs from the last in theme, food, and decor.

7.     Self-care

Indulging in a self-care routine as a couple can be a great way to relax and recharge. Figure out a regular self-care routine that you both enjoy and set aside time to indulge in it. Whether it be a couples massage at a spa or a facial in the comfort of your home, any hobby that keeps you both feeling good is a win. An added advantage is that all forms of self-care can improve the sexual energy of the couple.

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8.     Watching films and TV series

Watching a film or T.V series as a married couple is the easiest and least time-consuming way to spend time together. Pick a genre you enjoy and are both in the mood for and await the post film discussion.

Featured image: Unsplash

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