
Alarm as Kenya hits 438 suicide cases in the past 3 months

Alarm as Kenya hits 438 suicide cases in the past 3 months
  • PublishedJuly 28, 2021

While reacting to the report, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss George Kinoti called on the government to commission a research in order to get to the root of this worrying trend.

“We have never recorded such a high number of suicides before and this is not only alarming but calls for urgent remedial measures,” said DCI boss George Kinoti.

The youngest victim according to the report was a 9 year old boy who did not leave behind any note but is suspected to have ended his life due to scolding by his parents for poor school performance. On the other hand, the oldest case was a 76 year old. According to this report, more men are prone to committing suicide than women. Experts have attributed this rise to the harsh economic times, failed relationships, and depression.

This number comes as a shock as only 198 cases were reported in 2019 by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).

Calls have since been made to Kenyans to beware of depression and take a closer look at their mental health. In line with this, Hon. Rachel Shebesh has urged young people to always check up on their loved ones.

I have experienced Mental Health challenges & I want to encourage young people to speak out. Mental health is real, depression is real. Always check up on the people you love.@PSYGKenya @Kenya_NI_Mimi@nadia_abdalla_ @MOH_Kenya @WHO#Shebeshspeaks#MotivationMonday pic.twitter.com/AcOohRqo1g

— Rachel Shebesh (@Rachelshebesh) February 28, 2021

She emphasizes on the need for people to constantly seek help by visiting a psychiatrist, and also shuns the stigmatization of Mathare Mental Health Hospital, citing that it has great facilities that are open to all and not only the mentally ill.

On the importance of seeking help whenever one has a problem, Hon. Shebesh this morning on a morning call interview at Classic 105 radio station mentioned that her administration will ensure at least a psychiatrist in level five hospitals per county.

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Rejection hurts and it is enough to make anyone want to stop trying to live life to fulfillment. However, great men and women in history have shared their stories of rejection and how they rose from it. If they did it, so could you!

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