
Best side hustles for freelance writers

  • PublishedOctober 28, 2019

Everybody is scrambling to set up a side-hustle these days. Writer Biko Zulu summed it up in the best way: Folk sleep with one foot on the floor, waiting for dawn. And that is a good thing, what with the rates of job losses or just the need to put the extra time into good use. Writing can earn you some good cash. A writer can never sleep hungry, unless they decide to (that too I read from Biko Zulu). That said, there are plenty of side-hustles for freelance writers to explore and some are as follows.


I know the first thought that came to your mind when you saw this – “But everyone is a blogger!!” It is true, there are more than 440 million blogs in the world today, and there are still more to come. But not all of them are run by good writers. If you are a good writer capable of commanding a good following with your words, do not hold yourself back. What would have happened if Rihanna  had said, “But everyone is starting a make-up line these days!”

You can be a niche blogger who only writes for a very specific audience. You can also be a guest blogger, where you are paid to share your expertise on a give subject in another blog.


Do you have expertise in a certain subject? Be it fashion, beauty, cooking, teaching, fitness? Write a bok then! Only this time, you do not have to go through a publisher to get your books published. You can have your book published online and sell it as an e-book.


Being a copywriter means you will have to know how to write different types of articles for different commercial settings.


You can get paid for writing blogs, articles, website content or even whole books for other people.

Academic writer

The moral aspect of academic writing has been questioned severally, yet many young Kenyan freelance writers continue to earn a living from it. Academic writing involves, among other things, completing assignments for people who are not in a position to. If the fact that it really is cheating does not cause your conscience to itch, then that is yet another place to look into.

READ ALSO: 6 Side hustles for fashion lovers 

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