
Bite me: I am Healthy Peanut

  • PublishedSeptember 5, 2011

Nuts are a great source of vegetarian protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Diets rich in nuts and nut products have been related to reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers, and also help with weight management. Nuts are relatively non-perishable and easy to carry around with you. Four reasons you should eat peanuts

1. Low cost. Peanuts are cheaper and more widely available than tree nuts. They also have additional health benefits that are not in tree nuts.

2. High protein and nutrient content. Peanuts are legumes thus have higher protein content than tree nuts. The protein they provide is more complete. They are also a better source of foliate, which not only protects against birth defects but also helps build strong bones and provides protection against heart disease and cancer. In addition, peanuts are a good source of vitamin E, a nutrient that many people do not get enough of in their diets.

3. Peanuts have some “designer” antioxidants.

Peanuts are one of the richest sources of resveratrol, a special antioxidant found in red wine and grape juice, which is thought to have heart-protective and cancer-preventive qualities. The resveratrol is found in the nut itself, not the papery brown coating. Boiled peanuts have ten times as much resveratrol than roasted nuts or peanut butter.

4. Peanuts are high in phytosterols. Foods that contain phytosterols help to promote healthy cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease. Researchers also link phytosterols to cancer-fighting potential. Peanut consumption has also been linked to lower rates of colon cancer.

Peanuts should not be given to children below the age of nine months because peanut allergies are very common. You can eat peanuts in many ways – roasted, grilled, cooked, added to foods or as a peanut butter to spread on bread. Peanuts added to matoke make a delicious meal, while peanut sauce is used in many African cuisine to add flavour and richness.

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