
Census 2019: Police stop wedding to facilitate census

  • PublishedAugust 26, 2019

Police in Tana River halted a wedding ceremony in Madogo Township, Tana North to enable census to take place after the census officials found many houses unoccupied.

“Enumerators found most houses unoccupied prompting the census committee to immediately deploy police to find out where everyone was and that is when they realized that most of the people were attending the wedding,” said County Commissioner Oning’oi Ole Sossio

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“The exercise should be given priority since it takes place after 10 years,” he further stated. The residents headed to the call and the exercise went on smoothly.

He also urged the Gadsan community to agree  to be counted even though their tribe was not included in the tribe section on the form. They thus had to be filled in the others section.

ALSO READ: Kenya National Census: Questions you will be asked during the exercise

Clothes and shoes stolen

In another incident in Dallas estate in Embu county, residents were shocked to wake up to empty clotheslines and lost shoes. This is after thieves took advantage after the residents left the gates open for the census officials. While the enumerators never showed up, thieves made away with their clothes, shoes, basins and an array of other household goods.heir exercise.

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