
Conjoined twins separated in landmark surgery to mark 4th birthday

  • PublishedAugust 7, 2018

On November 2, 2016, Kenyatta National Hospital was on the spotlight. It was the first time the referral hospital would undertake its first major surgery to separate conjoined twins, Blessing and Favour.

Four years on, the successful operation that took over 50 medical experts is the reason the twins will be celebrating their fourth birthday this month. 

Speaking to The Standard, their mother Caroline Mukiri describes this surgery as one of the numerous miracles she has witnessed since the twins came to her life.

Favour and Blessing who were conjoined at the spine.

According to Caroline, the twins have grown up to be bubbly and hyperactive and are rarely calm. When one is playing happily, the other one is causing trouble.

However, Mukiri says that the journey was not easy, “Some people would discourage me that my children cannot be separated or that they will die,” she recounts. 

As much as it takes great effort to parent the twins, Mukiri says her daughters are her world. She confesses to being broken emotionally when the twins’ dad abandoned them for fear of raising conjoined babies.

For Caroline, it is the special moments like when they hug, that move her so much, diffusing any worries or anxiety she has over raising the twins.

“I would have given up were it not for Father Kariba and Sister Teresia at KNH. My counsellor, Kinara, also played a crucial role in giving me the courage to battle my problems”.

The twins father tried reconnecting with them after the successful surgery.

“He left me at the time when I needed him most and that is something I can never forget. He has not been in touch since,” says Caroline.

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