
Dead beat dad? Woman sues Itumbi for child support

  • PublishedSeptember 6, 2019

An unknown woman has taken to court to sue Dennis Itumbi over child negligence claims.

The lady claims that he sired her son but has failed to help in raising her.

Itumbi not only abandoned the baby since birth but also refused to pay sh 50000 per month in child support.Through her lawyer Enricah Dulo, the woman says that she had to stop working after she got pregnant to cater for the baby.The baby was born on 14 th June and is now four months old.

In the court papers, the lawyer says that she is seeking a sh 50000 monthly for the child to be able to cater for food, clothing, medicine and house help salary.She also wants Mr Itumbi to provide a copy of his national ID so that his name can be included in the child’s birth certificate.

The woman says Itumbi pushed him to abort the child but instead kept the pregnancy.The woman was allegedly in a relationship with him  from January to August last year before he ended the relationship.

Former State House digital communication Director Dennis Itumbi [PHOTO, COURTESY]

Dennis Itumbi then blocked him, making it hard for her to make any communication with him about the child.

The woman claims they broke up after he informed him about the pregnancy.

Itumbi has lately been involved in a series of controversies including the Deputy president’s assasination plot where he is said to have written a fake letter.

A section of netizens have since taken to twitter to bash Itumbi. Others have made fun of the claims, some saying he has emulated his boss, William Ruto. This was in reference with the claims that Ruto neglected  his  child with Kenyatta University  student  Abby.


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