
Defilers to be castrated; Governor Kingi proposes

  • PublishedNovember 26, 2018

In a bid to end cases of teenage pregnancies , Kilifi Governor, Amason Kingi has proposed the amendment of the Sexual Offences Act to allow for the castration of the defilers.

Speaking during the official launch of the 16 days of activism campaign held at Matsangoni,  Governor Kingi issued a stern warning on perpetrators and called on parents to take an active role in their children upbringing.

“In Saudi Arabia, if you steal your hands are chopped off; we will not joke, we shall come up with laws at the county assembly [so that] if we get evidence that one has impregnated a teenage girl, he is castrated in public,” he said.

The governor also dismissed claims that poverty in the county is the cause for the numerous cases of teenage pregnancies. He attributed some of the cases to laxity from parents in their children upbringing.

“Poverty is not to blame, there are other areas with higher poverty levels than Kilifi yet the cases are not there; it should not be an excuse,’’ said Kingi.

Gender Chief Administrative Secretary, Racheal Shebesh, who also attended the launch called for the arrest of those responsible for impregnating and marrying young girls.

“If the operation manages to get 200 men, it will scare away others who are fond of preying on young school children,” said Shebesh.

16  days of Activism is a call for action to end violence against women and girls all over the world. The campaign runs every year from 25 November. The theme for this year which is Orange the world; #HearMeToo urges partners to hold events to create  opportunities for dialogue between the survivors, activists ,public and the government.

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