
DJ Moz reveals why he got a vasectomy

DJ Moz reveals why he got a vasectomy
  • PublishedJuly 7, 2021

Popular deejay and TV host Martin Kimathi aka DJ Moz has opened up about his reason for getting a vasectomy during a panel discussion on men and family planning. According to the seasoned DJ, the decision was prompted by the effect of the contraceptive pills on his wife, Deborah Kimathi.

DJ Moz, Deborah and their three children

The gospel DJ, and father of three, revealed that it had been a topic of discussion between him and his wife of 13 years after he realised how much they affected her. She had been on the pill for a while after the birth of their children.

The father of three also shared that he did not like protected sex using a condom so the need to protect his wife from these effects, and stop their child-bearing cycle landed them on the decision to get a vasectomy.

It’s important as men we have conversations about contraceptions. Usitupe mbao ukiwa solo. There is a lot of drama we can save ourselves from.

— DJ Moz Kubamba (@MozDJ) July 6, 2021

The discussion on vasectomy has become more commonplace, with many men admitting to taking that path, moved by personal reasons. Former Kiss 100 presenter, Nick Ndeda, has also revealed that he underwent a vasectomy. After his recent breakup with his ex-girlfriend Muthoni, Nick has made it clear that his decision to have a vasectomy had nothing to do with the fact that his then girlfriend has expressed a desire to be child-free. According to him, his decision to have a vasectomy stemmed out of the fact that he does not also desire to have children. Though some are embracing this family planning measure, others are still hesitant about the surgery.

Here are some reactions from Kenyans:

Chanua watu, because our men (most of them if not all) view family planning as the woman’s department. And it’s not right.

— Born_A_petite (@WakioMs) July 6, 2021

Family planning is the responsibility of both partners 💯 and should not be left to women only. #ChezaKamaWewe

— #KOT (@johnmtua) July 6, 2021

Whatever happens in the family, both parties have an equal chance to contribute.#ChezaKamaWewe

— Wuod Japuonj (@ItsPhelix_) July 6, 2021

READ ALSO: Vasectomy- 4 important things all men need to know

The capital FM hosted panel had personalities like DNG, Uncle P and Mariga Thoithi who also spoke their thoughts on the topic of discussion. Watch the rest of it here:

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