
Eat anti-inflammatory foods to stay young

Eat anti-inflammatory foods to stay young
  • PublishedSeptember 12, 2014

Inflammation is a normal process that usually occurs as part of healing. But, abnormal inflammation can be triggered by the body’s response to certain foods causing it to target normal tissues and promote diseases and aging, rather than healing. Too much arachidonic acid, for example, found in red meat, eggs and peanuts can trigger abnormal inflammation. Follow these tips for an anti-inflammatory diet anti-aging diet:

Eat less: Meat, poultry and other foods of animal origin and products made with flour of any kind.

Cut out: Fried foods, hydrogenated fats, refined sugar and processed foods.

Eat more: Fresh organic food, vegetables and fruit, sprouts, whole grains, nuts, beans, soya foods, oily fish, ginger, turmeric and garlic – all of which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Eat temperate fruits such as berries, cherries, apples and pears in moderation and more of tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple and papaya.

Aim to: Meditate and exercise daily, get enough sleep, learn to manage stress, maintain a healthy weight, and cultivate positive friendships and attitudes.


From numerous research studies carried out since the mid 80’s, the damaging health effects of secondhand smoke have been piling up.  It’s linked to lung cancer and heart disease, as well as asthma, ear infections and sudden infant death syndrome. Researchers now have added breast cancer to the list. Several studies show a 1.5 times increased risk of the disease among premenopausal nonsmokers exposed to passive smoke. Some states in the US, such as California, have labelled secondhand smoke a “toxic air contaminant” and recommended action be taken to curb its effects. While there is no conclusive evidence linking secondhand smoke to breast cancer, the fact that smoke exposes a woman’s breast tissue to carcinogens is enough to make you take precaution.

Published September 2014

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