
Factors to consider when buying sex pills

  • PublishedMay 8, 2019

It is natural and completely reasonable for men to feel the need to please their partners during sex. It is a bonus if they can also experience the same thrill during that intimate moment. The quest for sexual gratification is on an all-time high which has led to younger men wading the uncharted waters of sex enhancing drugs just to attain the big O.

While some men have genuine reasons as to why they reach for these pills, some are popping them just for pleasure’s sake. Mother Internet has caught on this trail and promises quick fixes by unleashing pills and tablets all claiming to dramatically improve one’s sex life. Be wary of such advertisements as some are unscrupulous with no regard for human life.

Before reaching over that counter to get that ‘needed’ dose of Viagra, before clicking that unknown website to order that little pill, please consider the following factors:


Many men rush to buy sex drugs for a myriad of reasons. It could be  as a result of that nagging partner who is constantly attacking your prowess, or your need to spice things up has left you feeling anxious and to some extent a little scared of the outcome and reception your new moves may elicit.

Could the unsatisfying sex life be as a result of that pornography addiction? Yes, we see you clicking away the night, downloading those blue movies and don’t worry, your magazine stash is safe under the mattress. Pornography sets unrealistic goals and desires which cannot be satisfied by a normal human being. Men need to know that pornography scenes which depict hours and hours of intense action are mere acting. Those actors probably go on a break and resume recharged and ready for action. It will be very unfair to compare yourself to such a picture perfect scenario, which takes years to master.

Health experts agree that beneath many sexual performance-related problems, lies psychological and relational issues. Such reasons do not require physical intervention but rather psychological support and open communication lines. Men need to take matters into their own hands and accept to be vulnerable. Accept that you need help battling that porn addiction. Talk to your partner on how you really feel on sexual matters. Just talk to someone including a sex therapist for help is always a few words away.


If you opt for taking pills, it will be prudent to arm yourself with the correct information on how to use the pills for maximum results. The most important tip would be to first seek medical advice from a qualified doctor after which you should follow instructions to the letter. Health experts warn against indulging in fatty foods and heavy meals before taking the pills as this may slow down their absorption and prevent them from working properly. While at it, always check the expiry date to confirm if it is suitable for consumption.

Where to buy

It is best to buy the pills from licensed chemists so as to avoid buying counterfeit drugs which may be harmful to your health. When buying from online sources, ensure that the websites are registered and have licensed doctors to prescribe such pills. Getting these drugs from genuine vendors enables you to ask the right questions and also ensure safety of the medication.

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