Family Activities for Madaraka Day

Madaraka Day is an important and memorable day in the Kenyan calendar to commemorate Kenya’s attainment of self-rule from the British colonial power. It is a very significant day in Kenya as Kenyans reflect on their past, honor the heroes who played an important role in the struggle for independence, and work for a better future.
Being a national holiday, a large percentage of people don’t report to work. This encourages families to make plans to spend quality time together. This day can be celebrated in many different ways – from big parades to simple family meals. As we celebrate Madaraka here are a few ideas to make it extra meaningful for your family.
Watch the National Day Parade live
If you do not have the chance to attend the event, you can follow the live proceedings of the event from home together with your family. It is a better way to showcase our national pride and educate our children on the history of Kenya.
Prepare a special meal.
Cook at home with everyone helping and working in the kitchen, or assign a dish to each member of the family to prepare. Play cook-time games, such as switching to another person’s dish halfway through the cooking process and delivering the final product, is another option.
Engaging in charity work.
You indulge in works of charity together with your family such as donating to the less fortunate, planting trees, and cleaning the environment among others. Giving back to your community is the perfect way to practice gratitude
Watch a family movie.
You can pick a family movie and enjoy it together. If the weather is right, consider moving the home theater outdoors and get extra cozy with plenty of blankets and snacks. Watching a movie creates family memories and is a cost-effective activity. The best part is you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home.
Travel to your hometown to visit relatives
If your hometown is not relatively far, you can take your family there to say quick happy holidays. This is a great opportunity to meet the extended family. The holiday tends to bring people together hence uniting the family.
Visit national monuments and museums
You can utilize this day to pay homage to the people that devoted and sacrificed their lives for Kenya’s freedom movement. make sure your children know all about the sacrifices made to earn this land. Visit national monuments and museums with them, so that they can connect to the history of Kenya by seeing the past come to life in front of their eyes.
Walk your own parade.
Why not organize a mini-parade at home with the kids? Include your neighbors if possible. Each individual can represent a branch of the military, police, or other significant professionals, famous personalities, or athletes from our country.
March around the house while waving flags to a well-known marching song.
Alternatively, march to the beat of a patriotic song. Children can even perform a patriotic song or a Kenyan classical or folk dance.
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Community Celebrations.
If you live in a fairly large apartment complex, your association can organize safe Independence Day celebrations with proper social distancing and other precautionary measures.
With these considerations in mind, a few children can put on a simple dance or song performance to commemorate the occasion. The community can also contribute some funds and buy some snacks they distribute to people as the celebration continues.
Madaraka Day is a great opportunity to spend a good time with family, friends, and neighbors. Whichever way you choose to celebrate, make sure it is a safe, enjoyable, and educational time for you and your kids. Most importantly, if gathering with friends and neighbors do remember to follow all guidelines for social distancing and wear your masks to keep safe.