
Former government minister Nicholas Biwott is dead

  • PublishedJuly 11, 2017

Former powerful minister Nicholas Kipyator Kiprono arap Biwott has died in a Nairobi hospital at the age of 77.

The former Keiyo South MP and powerful minister under the Moi government died after a long illness. Before joining politics Biwott a prominent Kenyan businessman worked as a civil servant. He joined politics in the 1970s, 80s and 90s and worked with Kenya’s first three presidents, Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki and was a member of parliament for 28 years.

The powerful minister who worked closely with president Moi fondly referred himself as Total man and in 2014, had to fight rumors on social media that he was dead.

Until his death, he had taken a back seat from active politics but was the driving force behind the National Vision Party.

Biwott who is married to former higher education minister Prof Margret Kamar leaves behind two children. His body has been moved to Lee Funeral Home.

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