Getting rid of unwanted hair

Since time immemorial, unwanted hair has been the worst enemy of many women. It is a source of embarrassment to many who wish they had a magic wand to sway and get rid of all of it. The good news is that you can remove those hairs from your body. While there are plenty of different hair removal products that work for different women, we give you the pros and cons of some options, information which will help you choose the method that suits you.
For most women, noticeable hair on the upper lip, chin, neck, legs, belly, bikini line or even the back can be embarrassing and can also affect one’s confidence and self-esteem. Women love to have the fairest, softest, most stubble-free skin and will go to any length to ensure all unwanted hair is not noticeable. The challenge often remains getting a product that works efficiently and is convenient.
Before you embark on hair removal, it is important to first prepare your skin. Some women have sensitive skin and in such a case it is best to apply some petroleum jelly to the area where you want to get rid of unwanted hair before embarking on the process. It is also advisable to take a shower or wet the hair to make it soft and easy to shave if this is your preferred method. There are a variety of hair removal methods that vary in effectiveness and cost.
Plucking or tweezing is only effective for small areas of the body such as eyebrows and chin, but not for larger areas like underarms. When plucking or tweezing your eyebrows, first soften the skin around your brows using petroleum jelly to make it less painful. Thenensure you create a natural arch by looking for your eyebrow’s highest point, which is normally about two-thirds of the way from the inside of your brow. Eyebrows have the power to draw attention to the eyes, making them the focal point of your whole face and therefore, can make or break your appearance.
Shaving is basically trimming or cutting the unwanted hair. You can either use a razor or a shaver. It doesn’t affect hair growth contrary to the popular myth that shaving hair causes it to grow back thicker and faster. Ensure you shave in the direction that your hair grows, not against it. Be cautious especially when shaving your pubic hair using a shaver, as there is a risk of slipping and hurting yourself.
Waxing is a painful method, no doubt, but it offers smooth and long lasting effects. It is best done in a salon or spa where the temperature of the wax is controlled so there’s less chance of burning your skin, which can cause scarring. Your skin may get pink to red and feel tender since waxing removes the entire hair root. However, it is unsuitable for removing pubic hair.
Hair removal creamsare good options especially for hairs around the genitals. They have a less chance of getting cuts or infection. However, since the genital area is extremely delicate, be careful about using hair removal creams on your genital area when you have a wound. In addition, consider testing the cream on your elbow first, then wait for at least 48 hours to be sure your skin has no reactions to it.
Laser therapy enables permanent reduction of hair, with no chance of in-growth. Nevertheless, it is advisable to first consult your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon if you choose this method. This procedure is pricy and it involves passing a strong beam of light (laser) over your skin. The laser damages the hair follicles and prevents hair from growing.
Pick of the month…
(Shaver, Veet shaving cream, Vaseline petroleum jelly, tweezers)
Published April 2015