
Girl commits suicide after teacher humiliates her over periods

  • PublishedSeptember 11, 2019

A 14 year old girl killed herself on Friday after a teacher threw her out of class for soiling her dress.

The Standard Six pupil at Kabiangek Primary School in Konoin Constituency, Bomet,reportedly hanged herself from a tree. This happened on  the same evening she was shamed by the teacher. According to her mother Mrs Beatrice Chepkurui, her daughter’s period began in class on Friday. She said the girl did not have sanitary towels to use and so when she stained her cloth, she was told to leave the classroom and stand outside.

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Several parents on Tuesday protested against the matter.They condemned the teacher and the  management of the institution for failing to protect the pupil. ”It is wrong for a female teacher to humiliate a girl before other pupils because of her periods. How can a 14-year-old withstand such humiliation?” one of the parents said.

According to Standard Digital, the School’s headteacher, Mr Kosile declined to comment on the issue, claiming the police were in a better position to do so.

Konoin OCPD, Mr Shikondi said reports indicated that the girl left school at 10:00 am and left with a container to go and fetch water but never returned. She was later found hanging from a tree but did not leave a note saying why she took her life.

Police are still investigating the matter. Five days after the incident, the school is yet to act or release any information about the issue.

Cases of suicide in Kenya have risen in the recent past and depression has been cited as the main cause of the increased numbers. Yesterday 10th September, was World Suicide Prevention Day. Almost 800 ,000 people take their lives annually.



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