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6 very simple yet effective ways to survive January blues

6 very simple yet effective ways to survive January blues
  • PublishedJanuary 11, 2023

January is said to be one of the most depressing months of the year and it not hard to understand why. With the festive season over, most of us are left drained financially, emotionally, and even physically. The festivities leave us with no energy to take us through the month. Snapping back to work mode after the festivities is also never an easy fete.

The year starts with people making resolutions. Beginning afresh. It is that time of the year when many people hit the gym to deal with excesses of the Christmas holiday. However after a few days, most people are back to their old selves, resolutions broken and feeling low.

So what can you do to make your January less depressing?

Love yourself

Remind yourself of your worth. Don’t beat yourself up just because the month is not going the way you wanted it to. Don’t push yourself too hard. You are just a human being. You cannot do everything. Appreciate the little achievements you make. Enjoy whatever good thing that comes your way.

Make achievable resolutions

Not all resolutions have to be difficult. Make some resolutions that are achievable. You can challenge yourself to learn how to cook a new dish, or go hiking. Let your resolutions be positive. Instead of hoping to survive the week, let your resolution be to enjoy the week.

Have fun

January is that time of the month where people hardly go out. Having fun does not have to be costly. Challenge yourself to do some fun stuff. Be creative. Go for an evening walk besides January isn’t too chilly. Go for a karaoke and sing yourself hoarse. Do something that lifts your spirits.

SEE ALSO: Avoid January financial blues with these simple tips

Be of helpful

Helping others makes us feel much better about ourselves. So do something to put a smile on someone’s face. Be involved in a charity event or play with kids. Help someone to move. Helping someone boosts your own esteem. It makes you see things positively and honestly, that’s all we want this month.

Mind your finances

The spending spree and indulgence that is common during the holidays leaves most people in a precarious position in times of finances. As a result, it goes without saying that January is not the time to be careless with finances. Embrace a frugal lifestyle and only spend when absolutely necessary. Take advantage of sales especially during the back to school season and buy your household items in bulk. Unless, it is not possible, cook at work and carry lunch to work. This way you can stretch your dwindling funds and sometimes even save a coin or two.

Get a part-time job

Again, you are most likely to be broke in January than you are at any other time of year. As a result, take advantage of any extra income generating activity you come across away from your day job. This will save you the mental anguish that comes with lack and piling bills.

In a nutshell…

January does not have to be a monster of a month. With the right tips, you can beat those January blues and even thrive and enjoy your life to the fullest.


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