
Kasarani gun robbery victim speaks

  • PublishedDecember 18, 2019

When a video of a man getting shot during a shop robbery went viral, the brutality of it shook everyone to the core. Why anyone would put themselves in such a situation is a question that lingered on everyone’s mind. The victim of the shooting who is now recovering at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Speaking to Citizen Digital, he has now said he reacted the way he did because he could not let the thieves kill his friend as just lay there.

Muema had just walked into his friend’s shop to deposit some money when the thugs came in and ordered them to lie down. When one of them shot his friend, he stood up and tackled the thug. The robber shot him eight times in retaliation.

Even he does not understand where he got the courage and strength to attack the thug.

“Niliangalia nikaona kama hawa watu wangeniuwa kama nimelala….nikainua kichwa nikaona ….niliambiwa nilipiga huyo mwizi,” he said.

They were both rushed to a nearby hospital for first-aid before being taken to Kenyatta National Hospital. He is now recuperating and responding well to treatment after a series of complex surgeries and a stint in the ICU. Seven bullets have so far been removed.


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