
Keeping germs away from your baby

  • PublishedMarch 31, 2014


It is very easy for babies to contract germs that make them prone to diarrhoea, vomiting, colds and other infections. Germs transfer mainly through a baby’s nasal cavity and mouth. This can be through kissing them, coughing and sneezing near them, or direct contact such as through objects used to feed them, or when you touch them with contaminated hands.

The best way to fight germs is to wash your hands before holding the baby, the old-fashioned way – with soap and water. This practice is also important for any other person handling or carrying your baby. Ensure that you scrub your hands every time before scooping up your little one and ask others to always do the same. This is especially important after handling food, shaking hands, playing with your pet, or visiting the bathroom.… Subscribe to read more

Published on April 2014

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