
Kiambu hospital on the spot after corpse mix-up

  • PublishedAugust 8, 2018

Kiambu Level Five hospital is under scrutiny after it was discovered that the hospital mortuary had sent out the wrong bodies meant for burial. A family has been  Following a body mix up at the Kiambu level five hospital mortuary on Tuesday a family has been left distraught.

The alarm was raised after a distraught family confirmed that the wrong body had been released to them. The family of Stephen Mburu, the deceased, identified the error but were further shocked to discover that Mburu’s body had been released.

The body had been preserved at the mortuary for six days and was scheduled to be buried at Karia village in Githunguri where mourners had already gathered for the ceremony.

“When we arrived at the mortuary this morning, we were given a body belonging to someone else and we rejected it. We demanded we be given Mburu’s body but it seemed that it had already been released to another family. We checked all the bodies which were at the facility at the time, but none of them belonged to my late husband,” Mburu’s wife, Ms Njeri told Daily Nation.

After a tussle with the mortuary’s attendants, the hospital’s management ordered six male bodies that had been released since morning returned. By  Wednesday 6th, only three bodies had been brought back.

None turned out to be Mburu’s. His family was forced to put off burial plans and ask the mourners to disperse as they searched for his body.

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