
Matiang'i gives owners of cars in police stations six months to claim them

  • PublishedNovember 29, 2018

Interior Cabinet Secretary, Fred Matiang’i has given owners of cars which have been abandoned at police stations six months to claim them failure to which they will be auctioned.

A random investigation around police stations in Nyeri reveals that hundreds of cars have been abandoned over the years and are accumulating dust and rust with no one claiming them. Most of these vehicles are either road accident remains while others were seized for involvement in crimes.

Police in Nyeri have already began gathering information on unclaimed vehicles which will be sold off within a year.

According to Nyeri County police boss, Ali Nuno, the operation was meant to free up police stations. He added that lost and found items as well as exhibits in whose cases have been completed will be affected in the clean up.

“It is a normal clean up exercise and we are already collecting inventory on the items. The exercise is at an advanced stage. We are going back to our records on how these items ended up here and the progress of cases related to them,” said Mr. Nuno.

Although many of them are road carnage remains, a huge lump was seized for a hand in offences like from thievery and trading in counterfeit and smuggled property.

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