
Men's guide to traveling fashionably

  • PublishedOctober 17, 2019

Traveling requires proper planning regardless of the trip’s length. Travel accessories are an important part of how comfortable your trip will be. For example, carrying a larger-than-necessary bag not only looks awkward but will also weigh you down. However, if you carefully select what traveling bag to carry, the quality of your trip can improve in a major way. While travel bags aren’t considered fashion items by many, a good travel bag can elevate an outfit. Take a look at these different types of travel bags to help  you travel fashionably and comfortably.


Backpacks are often saved for short trips.  Do not compromise size for aesthetic and vice versa. A reasonably-sized bag with compartments for your belongings should suffice.These bags are casual and are thus paired with laid back clothing.You will look mismatched in a formal outfit and a  backpack. Remember to look out for durability as well. Leather is often the best way to go as it is easily cleaned and lasts long. This is however only true for quality leather. You should therefore be vigilant to make sure the leather is quality and doesn’t peel.

Duffel bags

Duffel bags are a great substitute to backpacks. This is considering backpacks can become limiting for a slightly long trip. Duffel bags on the other hand can comfortably carry larger amounts of your travel stuff especially those that offer you the carrying, slinging and pulling options. If travelling by plane, size is also important. Ensure the duffel bag can fit in an overhead compartment and all its straps are strong enough to handle your luggage. Duffel bags are multi-functional and can thus be used with any clothing. Regardless of whether you’re officially, semi officially or casually dressed – anything goes.

Carry-on bags

The trick to a carry on bag is ensuring that it is lightweight. A heavy carry on bag adds to the already heavy weight of your luggage which is counter intuitive . Carry-on bags should be reserved for the long trips that need heavy luggage. For example If you’re going for a long business retreat, carry-on bags are a perfect fit. Carry on bags meant for official business trips are however distinct from other kinds. A carry-on bag with a smaller frames and monochrome coloring are usually made for this purpose. Carry on bags for occasions like vacation are wider framed and brighter in color. Therefore when choosing a travel bag choose the appropriate one for the occasion. This not only ensures you travel in fashion but you travel comfortably.

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