
New Year Closet Staples

  • PublishedJanuary 18, 2018

New Year, New Me! New Year, New Resolutions! New Year, New Closet!

Building a closet is quite simple; you need to start with staples! A closet staple is that one little piece of clothing that makes your fashion life easier and saves you time, and we are definitely all about saving time this new year! Without further ado, here are a few pieces you need -:

Classic black or white tee

“My black/white T-shirt does not work with…” Said no woman ever. These work with everything! You can throw every color of the rainbow on and it would be perfect.


A perfectly fitting pair of jeans, that you throw on without a second thought makes the list. You will not have to try on  five pairs of trousers because you have these go to pants.

Neutral colored coat

A coat that completes any outfit is a must have, to avoid being completely heartbroken when your outfit is on point and the coats you have or lack thereof ruin your look. A black coat is the safest and best option.

You probably notice the theme here is black, white and shades of grey. Well, these colors are easy to pair, therefore you do not have to put too much thought into it. Have a lovely week and save some time in the closet with these staples!

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