
Omelette wedges for breakfast

Omelette wedges for breakfast
  • PublishedOctober 5, 2021

Eggs are one of the most easily available sources of protein. It doesn’t hurt that there are many different ways to prepare them. Like the easy to make omelette wedge.


You need:

· 3 spring onions

· 200g new potatoes

· 4 rashers smoked bacon

· 2 tbsp sunflower oil, plus 1 tsp

· 8 eggs

· 1 tsp English mustard (ready-made rather than powder)

· 85g mature cheddar

· 2 tomatoes


Finely chop the spring onions and set them aside.Thickly slice the potatoes (there is no need to peel them first), then boil in a pan of lightly salted water for 10 mins until just tender. Drain.Meanwhile, snip the bacon into pieces with scissors. Heat a frying pan with 1 tsp oil, then stir-fry the bacon until it turns pink.Add the spring onions to the pan, stir briefly for a couple of secs to slightly soften, then tip the bacon and onion into a bowl.Wash and dry the frying pan.Break the eggs into a bowl, then whisk with the mustard and a little salt and pepper.Make sure you don’t get any shell into the mix. If you are worried you might, you can break the eggs into a cup, one at a time, before adding to the bowl – or ask an adult to break them for you.Grate the cheese and add half to the egg mixture with the cooked bacon, onions and potatoes.Gently stir to mix everything. Heat 2 tbsp oil in the pan; when it is hot, pour in the mixture, then stir a couple of times as it sets on the base of the pan to start it cooking.Turn on the grill so it has time to heat up. Leave the omelette to cook, undisturbed, over low heat for about 6 mins.Meanwhile, cut the tomatoes into wedges, scatter over the omelette and sprinkle with the grated cheese.When the omelette seems set on the base, but is still a little eggy on top, put the frying pan under the grill to cook the last of the egg mixture and melt the cheese.Cool for 5 mins, then turn out of the pan.Cut into wedges and serve with ketchup, toast, tea and orange juice for a delicious family breakfast.

Recipe: Delicious Spaghetti bolognese
Such a good,hearty comfort meal that never fails to please.Perfect for kids and adults alike,its a dish one should prepare when making something wholesome and delicious.

Featured Image: yourfamilyfarmer.com

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