One dead, scores injured in Elgeyo-Marakwet school bus attack

13 Students and two teachers from Tot High School suffered injuries after their school bus was attacked by bandits in Kerio Valley, Elgeyo Marakwet County. The school bus was in a convoy of three school buses coming from an educational trip in Baringo when bandits ambushed and opened fire on the bus along Arror-Tot Road.
One of the school’s bus drivers died on the spot while two teachers and 15 students were severely injured and are currently hospitalized.
Following the attack, the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Interior and Coordination, Fred Matiang’i, called for the arrest of the school’s principal adding that the attack could have been prevented if the rules had been followed. Government policy stipulates that school buses are not to travel past 6.30 p.m while the attack took place at around 2200 hours.