
Parenting lessons from Uhuru Kenyatta and Margaret Kenyatta

  • PublishedJanuary 27, 2020

Being the First Family can put a lot of pressure on the parents. The perpetual media scrutiny and public nit-picking only makes it worse. President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta are the perfect example of parents who try to restore some semblance of normalcy in their family, though their family is far from normal. They have three children and although they don’t usually display their private family life to Kenyans, there are a lot of parenting lessons from Uhuru Kenyatta and Margaret Kenyatta that can be grasped from the little that is in the public domain.

Photo; Citizen TV

Uhuru and Margaret Kenyatta have two sons and one daughter namely; Jomo Kenyatta, Jaba Kenyatta and Ngina Kenyatta.

Education is valued and upheld

As expected, all of Uhuru Kenyatta’s children have gone through formal education in the best schools that money can afford. They have all schooled abroad. For instance, Jomo Kenyatta went to Hilton College in KwaZulu Natal Midlands in South Africa.

These days formal education hardly assures you of a well-paying job. Many have become successful by pursuing their passions and talents without necessarily being educated. However, education even at the most basic level is crucial in this digital savvy age.



They have raised their children as God-fearing Christians. Uhuru Kenyatta and his family have attended church in the past. On December 24th 2019, Uhuru Kenyatta, his wife and other family members attended Christmas eve mass at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Nyali. They had gone to the coast for the Christmas festivities.

Ngina Kenyatta also has a tattoo on her right hand that reads “In God’s hands”. This shows her faith in God, an indication of the way she was raised by the President and First Lady.

Encourage their kids to join initiatives

Ngina Kenyatta has joined her mother in many initiatives, giving a hand wherever she can. In July 2018 she attended the Lewa Marathon alongside the First Lady.



Other parenting lessons from Uhuru Kenyatta and Margaret Kenyatta

In November 2019, Ngina Kenyatta took to the podium to boldly address unemployment issues in Kenya at the Youth Unemployment Forum. Although her speech rubbed Kenyans on Twitter the wrong way, her aim was to encourage a new generation of youths to become more innovative. Ngina Kenyatta is the director of Kenyatta Trust.

READ ALSO: Here is what Margaret Kenyatta and Melania Trump Talked about in the White House

While speaking at a fundraiser by National Assembly Lady Spouses Association Kenya (Nalsa) in April 2016, Margaret Kenyatta shared a few parenting lessons that the new crop of parents can learn from. In her speech she touched on the following points;



Be wary of social media

Social media has been linked to cases such as depression, violence and substance abuse. This is because social media can introduce vulgar material to children, especially if they are exposed to it from a young age.

In equal measure, their children are very private and very little information can be found on their personal lives.

Society is important

They say it takes a society to raise a child. This is especially true in Africa.

Look at who they become as individuals

She advised parents to not only look at what their children become, but who they become. Parents should instill all important character building values in their children.

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