Sakaja Bill Seeks Submissions from the Public

Could this be a beacon of hope to Kenyans during this trying times? The Pandemic Response and Management Bill, proposed by Senator Johnson Sakaja is now in the hands of the public.
Members of the public now have 14 days to submit their views on the bill. Submissions should be made to the Senate Clerk, Jeremiah Nyegenye. This can be either in written or oral forms. After the elapse of the 14 days, it is expected to be tabled in the Senate for the first reading. It will then be transmitted to the various senate committees which will handle the various provisions provided in the Bill.
The Bill
Tenant- landlord
In as much as it is commonly referred to as Sakaja Bill, what exactly is it in the bill for Kenyans? The bill provides a lot of mitigation measures aimed at protecting the vulnerable in the society. It proposes that, in the event where tenants have challenges in the remittance of their monthly rent, they can therefore enter into an agreement with their landlords.
“Upon receipt of a notice, the contracting parties shall enter into an agreement,” states the Bill. “On how the tenant shall meet their obligation at the end of the pandemic.”
However, this is not a loss on the landlords side as the Bill will cushion both the landlords and tenants, to meet at a focal point. A point where none feels the pinch than the other.
Employer- employee
Relief for the employees too, as the Bill states that their employers shall not terminate their contracts. It also states that they should not be dismissed or forced to take pay cuts. Instead, the CS for labour shall come up with a system and develop measures to protect both the employer and employee.
While explaining the Bill to Kenyans, Senator Johnson Sakaja on JKL live suggested that the bill will enable employers to apply for Business Support Fund
The overall aim of the Bill is to cushion the vulnerable in the society from financial heat. It therefore, in Section 31 proposes direct disbursements of the government to people via Mpesa to vulnerable households.