
Serving Fatherhood Goals – DJ MO

  • PublishedJune 17, 2018

They say no one in this world can love a girl more than her father, and Dj Mo depicts this so perfectly. His love for his daughter Ladasha Belle Wambui is almost tangible.

The Crossover 101 Dj does not shy away from expressing how much he loves his daughter on social media. He describes his daughter as a gift from God, and says that being a dad is an indescribable feeling.


In an interview with Parents Magazine, Size 8 and Dj Mo admit that their daughter has positively affected their relationship.

“The Bible says children cement a marriage. Ladasha definitely helped break some of the walls we had emotionally and made us more vulnerable to each other,” they shared.


Fatherhood is a journey without a roadmap, but the award winning Dj seems to have made strides in the right direction so far. His desire for his daughter is that she would grow up to become God fearing, hardworking and self-sustaining.

This Father’s day, Dj Mo is a perfect picture of a great dad.

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